Saturday, July 8
The Day of Saturn in the kabbalistic World of Air We.aring black and facing North, invoke the spirit of Johnny Cash into your Base Chakra with the mantrum. "Because your mine, I walk the line." The Moon makes its Last-Quarter square to the Sun with Venus overtones at 1:49 am/6°59′ Leo. Open the Gaudì folds and release the thing. I can’t particularize the sensations, they’re from yet another realm and my permit does not extend (mnemonically) to this tremendous emotional zone.On the threshold of tonight’s Full Moon, lunar contacts to Jupiter and Neptune, both planets of angels, invite us to connect with light beings and forces of spiritual protection. The portal perfects at 9:07 pm (12:07 am ET). With Moon in Capricorn conjunct powerhouse Pluto, the lunation triggers the Mars-Pluto opposition of July 1. This showdown between tough guys may seem ominous; yet it can also rouse our courage to break out of ruts that keep us from participating in Pluto’s promise of empowerment. Dynamic Mars in Cancer, sign of nurture, prods us to become activists for the inner child and also the inner mother. Since 2008, Pluto in Capricorn has been tying us to our work, goals, public life and/or responsibilities with borderline obsession. It’s been fascinating yet stressful. Mars now calls us to step in, set limits and do something bold in support of our sensitive, inner self, with its need for emotional awareness and connection. Reflection, meditation, sobriety, introspection… these are the keys that will help keep us out of potentially problematic exchanges that could otherwise be loaded with noxious As we take bold action to face and defend our needs for emotional wellness, we can find new projections and violent temper outbursts.balance, and use Pluto’s evolutionary potential to build soul-centered authority, an intention suited for this Wort Moon (“wort” is an ancient synonym for “plant”), traditionally associated with themes of reincarnation.The Sabian symbol seems to underscore the apparent contradictions in this lunation’s aspects:
THE UNION JACK FLIES FROM A NEW BRITISH DESTROYER. Extreme objectification of inner resources. Challenge to life. Splendid self-realization. Full awareness of competition.